June 15, 2008

Mini Photographer

Madison has figured out how to use the camera in the last few days, how to turn it off and on, how to zoom and how to "take" pictures. Here is the life in a two year old:
Baby shower: Kiley and baby "Evan"

Her new little friend from the shower "Alyssa"

Alyssa's Mommy and Madison's Mommy:

Daddy getting the yard ready for a Bar-b-que:

Her little table and breakfast:

And the Mini Photographer herself posing on her new slide:

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Jenna has that red/white outfit. I forgot that Maddie has it too! Cute pictures!! I updated my blog (again)....aren't you so proud of me?? Have you broken the news to Scott yet that we need his HELP this weekend?? Maybe you should wait until you are on your way so he can't back out. HEE HEE