September 23, 2008

Take 5 Tuesday~Stolen from Katie :)

Haven't posted for awhile, so I thought this would ease me back into the blogging world!

Take5 Tuesday #12
5 things that make you happy:
~Madison going to bed without a million excuses!
~Date Night (if it ever happens)

5 things you would do for a million dollars
~Go on a reality TV show
~Maybe shave my head??
~Eat a bug

5 things you would do with a million dollars
~pay off the house
~take a great trip
~save lots of money
~buy a bigger car
~donate to charity

5 things you do every morning
~hit snooze button
~get Madison ready
~check email at home or work
~kiss husband goodbye

5 things you do every evening
~cook dinner
~watch some sort of TV
~read with Madison
~wish I had went to sleep earlier

1 comment:

KatieFeldmom said...

Nice to "see" you.

I *would* shave my head for a million -- forgot about that. No bugs though. Ick. That's why I can't be on Survivor because they have the one challenge where you eat from the local cuisine.