We had our big ultrasound yesterday afternoon, my mom was able to be there with us. For Madison we were in San Diego, so no one was with us. It was fun having her there and yeah and Scott too. The tech wasn't too friendly at first, but did tell us everything we were seeing on the screen. We let him know that we didn't want to know the gender. But then I caught him say "her leg" and "his future belly button", so who knows. Then at one point he needed the baby to move and he said to think about chocolate or cookies, because the sugar would make the baby move and he said something about "Girl" scout cookies and Scott swears he was references gender...but at the end he did say he held the gender power and could tell from a mile away. So what does that mean?? We will have to wait 5 more months to find out!!

So wait .... what? I'm so confused. LOL! I guess I have to wait too. Did you guys know the sex of Madison before she was born?
SO excited for you guys!! Can't wait to meet my new little niece or nephew!!!
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