July 16, 2009

My 1st baby is not a baby anymore....

Madison had got a note from Santa telling her she could get earrings for Christmas. We tried to take her to the mall, but she freaked out and never went through with it...that was until last night at dinner. She informed Scott and I she was old enough now and she was ready to get her ears pierced. I thought, ya right, we will get there and she will not want to go through with it. So she planned our day today...we will go to the mall and I will get my ears pierced, ride the carousel, get pretzels, and play.

So we get up and have a lazy morning, but she still remembers her plan. Scott met us there and we go into the first place. They only have 1 gal working who can do the piercing, so we head on down to a second place, same deal. We would have to wait a couple of hours for any other person to come on so they could be done at the same time...Madison insists she is ready and they could do one at a time. I thought great, I am going to have a one earring daughter for the next 5 years! So we go back to the first place and she watches someone else gets their ears done and she said she is ready.

She picked out little tiny pink "diamonds" and climbs up on my lap. The lady cleans her ears and makes the mark of where they will be, this is how far we got the first time, so I thought here we go, she will want down...but no...

The lady asks her if she is ready to be brave 2 times and she nods.

The lady counts to three and presto one ear done!! Madison didn't even flinch, cry, or squirm...So the lady asks her if she wants a lollipop and she does. Then she asks her if she wants a break or if she is ready for #2 and Madison tells her she is ready...
So another count to the three and she is done. I was crying, Scott was taking pictures and Madison was as calm as can be.
So here she is a grown-up little girl (3 going on 17!!)

Showing off her new earrings!


Kelly said...

AWWW!!! Big girl. I told Jenna (I didn't want her to throw a fit when she saw Mads with her pierced ears) and she is now ADAMANT that hers get pierced right away. We'll see what Daddy has to say!!

KatieFeldmom said...

Such a big girl. How great that she just decided that she's ready. She is ready to be a big sister.