September 19, 2009

Sisterly Love?!

Mackenzie is starting to smile more and more in responce to talking and is so sweet. She especially lights up when her big sister is laughing in her face or smiling at her. Madison still loves to hold her baby and is a great helper...

This morning Madison asked to hold her sister so we placed in on her lap, Mackenzie starts smiling and cooing, so of course I grab the camera.

It is cute, the two snuggling together in their jammies. I took a couple of photos:

Then this happened:
**If you look closely Madison is sort of smiling and sort of in shock! Mackenzie's face is red and she is grunting....actually she just let it all out and I mean all out. Her diaper failed and it went all over Madison. What a proud moment, I got it on film!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

EWWWW! It's even funnier with the pictures!