January 31, 2010

I am big girl now....

or so she thinks! :)
Mackenzie is desperately trying to crawl. She wants to so badly, but her little legs are just not quite strong enough yet. I have some cute video of her trying, but the dumb computer won't let me upload it today, I will try again.
She is also more and more confident sitting on her own. She does well until she wants a toy or gets side tracked by her sister.

January 30, 2010


How can this be possible??
Elementary School District



If your child was born in the year 2005 and will be 5 years old on or before December 2, 2010 your child is eligible for kindergarten. Packets will be available for pick up in the school offices starting Monday, February 1, 2010.

January 18, 2010


Just a few updates on the girls...

-4 years 3 months
-38 lbs
-loves preschool
-still loves daycare
-so excited about kindergarten
-knows all of her letters and sounds
-reconizes most #'s to 20
-counts to 30
-can write her name, my name, daddy's name and tries to write notes all the time
-can work my iphone better than I can
-loves movies
-loves puzzles
-loves her sister
-is sooooooo dramatic
- loves to rhyme
-hates going to bed
-knows her phone number, street name and city

Mackenzie Ella
-5 1/2 months
-15 lbs ?? (not sure)
-eats "food" now
-loves rice cereal
-hates green beans
-tolerates sweet potatoes
-tries to crawl every chance she gets
-keeps one eye on mommy and one on her sister
-loves to be on her tummy
-can sit for several seconds before she topples over
-still wakes 1 time a night to nurse
-perfers to sleep on her tummy
-still likes to sleep being swaddled
-takes a pacifer and is able to hold it in by herself
-is "talking" and has said da-da and ma-ma on several different occassions
-loves her sister
-loves chewing on her fingers
-loves to be part of the action

...Until next time!

January 5, 2010


Wow, I can't believe it is 2010! Here we are on the eve of New Years....sadly not one of us was awake to ring in the new year!

January 4, 2010

Christmas morning....

Christmas morning couldn't come fast enough for Scott and I, but both girls didn't have the same feeling. We were up well before both of them and we ended up having to wake Madison up around 8:30! But they have fun opening their presents from Santa and from us!

Madison explaining presents to Mackenzie

Mackenzie opening her "tea set"

I got a GUITAR!! Let's rock it out!

Helping daddy open his

January 3, 2010

5 months...

I don't have the measurements for her, but here is Mackenzie Ella at five months old...

January 1, 2010

Plus...one of her pulling her sister's hair!
Love her face, who me??

January 2, 2010

Vallejo Christmas Eve...

Here are the highlights from Christmas Eve with my side of the family...

Maddie Posing



Gotta love the self timer :)
Opening gifts

Great-grandparents (my mom's dad and my dad's mom)


First family of Four Christmas