March 7, 2010

soooo behind....

I feel so behind in much to is the down and dirty until I have more than 5 minutes!
-Mackenzie started crawling (Feb. 22, 2010)
-Mackenzie started pulling herself up (March 1, 2010)
-Mackenzie is 7 months old!
-Madison received her first report card (she is doing great!)
-Madison started to "read" (easy words like THE LOOK SEE and started sounding out 3 letter words like CAT, POT)
-Scott and I celebrated our 6th anniversary
-My sister may or maynot be sick (waiting to see a specialist...really worried about this one)
-Scott is waiting for the big state review at the hospital (every week it is a possibility~makes Mondays an early one for him therefore an early one for all of us)
-My class is a handful!!
-The weather was so beautiful that we got to go to the park and took some great walks recently

**Hopefully I will be able to post some photos and videos this week sometime!


Anonymous said...

Prayers said for your sister.

Pinki Kumari said...

Usually I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job Man,Keep it create a statement of style and quality unlike any other.
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