(Thought I would give it a try)
5 useless bits of trivia, that you know, or find interesting.
- A giraffe's tongue is bluish/black to prevent it from being sunburnt when it is sticking out to eat leaves in sunny Africa.
- A giraffe has seven neck bones (the same as a human, they are just way bigger)
- Sharks' bodies are made out of cartilage, the same stuff in our noses and ears...go ahead and feel your ear lobe or the tip of your nose.
- There are 181 days of school for kids in kindergarten through 12th grade.
- You have to change a baby's diaper about 10,000 times until he/she learns how to go to the bathroom him/herself.
- Went to Church with family
- Dyed Easter Eggs
- Went to an Easter Egg hunt at my Grandpa's retirement home
- Had a yummy dinner at my mom's house
- Had my first piece of CHOCOLATE in 40 days!
5 songs stuck in your head, right at the moment your posting this.
- Proud to be an American (watching American Idol)
- The Wiggles songs-going to their concert in 2 days
- The ABC's-bath time song
- The Days of the week-bath time song
- N/A
- Bruin-Yellow Lab
- Spanky-mutt
- Chelsie-Black Cocker Spaniel
- Sid- Leopard Gecko
- Mickey-Jack Russell/Bensji Mix (Wild Dog)
5 sounds you hear right now, (if there are 5.)
- Dancing with the Stars
- Scott snoring
- Madison coughing
- keyboard typing
- computer humming
You have to change a baby's diaper about 10,000 times until he/she learns how to go to the bathroom him/herself. That explains so much!!!
Your "Wiggles" counter is off by like a day and 1/2!!!
^^^^ That was me.
How was the concert???
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