March 25, 2008

Take5 Tuesday

I borrowed this from Katie:
(Thought I would give it a try)

5 useless bits of trivia, that you know, or find interesting.
  1. A giraffe's tongue is bluish/black to prevent it from being sunburnt when it is sticking out to eat leaves in sunny Africa.
  2. A giraffe has seven neck bones (the same as a human, they are just way bigger)
  3. Sharks' bodies are made out of cartilage, the same stuff in our noses and ears...go ahead and feel your ear lobe or the tip of your nose.
  4. There are 181 days of school for kids in kindergarten through 12th grade.
  5. You have to change a baby's diaper about 10,000 times until he/she learns how to go to the bathroom him/herself.
5 things you did to celibrate easter.
  1. Went to Church with family
  2. Dyed Easter Eggs
  3. Went to an Easter Egg hunt at my Grandpa's retirement home
  4. Had a yummy dinner at my mom's house
  5. Had my first piece of CHOCOLATE in 40 days!

5 songs stuck in your head, right at the moment your posting this.
  1. Proud to be an American (watching American Idol)
  2. The Wiggles songs-going to their concert in 2 days
  3. The ABC's-bath time song
  4. The Days of the week-bath time song
  5. N/A
5 of your pet’s names, (they can be pets from the past.)
  1. Bruin-Yellow Lab
  2. Spanky-mutt
  3. Chelsie-Black Cocker Spaniel
  4. Sid- Leopard Gecko
  5. Mickey-Jack Russell/Bensji Mix (Wild Dog)

5 sounds you hear right now, (if there are 5.)

  1. Dancing with the Stars
  2. Scott snoring
  3. Madison coughing
  4. keyboard typing
  5. computer humming


KatieFeldmom said...

You have to change a baby's diaper about 10,000 times until he/she learns how to go to the bathroom him/herself. That explains so much!!!

Kelly said...

Your "Wiggles" counter is off by like a day and 1/2!!!

Unknown said...
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KatieFeldmom said...

^^^^ That was me.

How was the concert???