- I woke up at 4a.m. to go to Kohl's to do the annual Tommy Apostolos Fund shopping trip for needy kids at 5:15a.m. As a teacher we can nominate students who are in need for a shopping trip. Their parents bring them to Kohl's where members of the community (teachers, police officers, etc.) take one child to go "shopping". The fund gives each child $150 to spend on new clothes, shoes, jammies. I was able to get to take a little girl from my class. It was so fun. When we finished they have breakfast for the children while the parents wait outside. Her and her 2 sisters got to go home with 4 big bags of clothes.
- We took Madison to breakfast with Santa. She had so much fun, although Santa is still not her favorite. But she did let us get a pretty
cutedecent photo! (Scott said he looks like a catolog advertisment) Then today we still are going to get our flu shots.Didn't make it...nap was too long.- We have a friends birthday at 3p.m.
- Finally the Secret Adventure tonight. It is a trip on a horse drawn sleigh out to one of Santa's workshops where we get to decorate cookies, listen to stories around the campfire and then meet Mrs. Claus and Santa in their workshop.
I am already pooped!
Sounds like a fun day!
TeeHee .... he does look like a catalog model.
Jenna is asking for "her own makeup and her own polish". I told her she had to wait till she was 5 for all of that....but between you and me I think Santa may give in and surprise her.
Wow, you're so busy these days! I love the holidays and your picture is great!
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