March 31, 2009


Madison has been doing dance classes off and on for about a year now. We signed her up officially in Dec. and she loves it. The studio is a little "strict"

  • must wear your hair in a bun

  • must have studio bought pink leotard

  • must have pink socks

  • must have pink ballet shoes

  • no peeking through the window for the whole class-just wave and then give them their space

  • must tuck laces into the shoes

Get it...I could go on and on....


The teacher is amazing, Madison loves her and she loves her Monday nights. The parents all sit and gossip about their kids, their newest accomplishments or trials they are putting us through or about how "strict" the studio is. Nevertheless, she loves it and we wouldn't have it any other way. They started learning their first dance for the June showcase performance. She is so excited, they get a costume and get to wear make up and dance in front of an audience. I am not sure who is more excited, Madison or Mommy! (I danced for over 20 years, so I am little biased!)

March 30, 2009

random cuteness

2 quick stories that are just too "cute" to forget, of course they are about Madison.

First we decorated for Easter a couple of weeks ago, she loved putting up all the bunnies and eggs around the house. Several days went by and I was getting her up to get dressed one morning, when she proceeds to tell me.... "the big bunny is going to leave me lots of yummy treats". Mind you, she hasn't opened her eyes yet, nor has she said good morning or even fully woken up, she just kept telling me that the big bunny is going to leave her yummy treats.

Second as we were driving home tonight from ballet, I was telling her how tired I felt. She told me not to worry when she is a grown up she will drive me around. She doesn't want a big car like mine, she wants a small car. Then she told me when she is a grown up she will drive and her cousin Jenna will sit in the front seat with her seat belt on and they will drive together. That is the thought!! She is only 3 1/2 years old, but already telling me that she will be driving soon...and I know that is will come oh too soon!! Yikes!

OK, I lied last one...speaking of grown ups, as I was picking her up from daycare the other day the kids were talking about riding bikes, and this little boy said he can't wait until he is 12 because his mom will get him a dirt bike, Madison likes this idea and she says when she is a grown up she will get a bike like mommy's. Then another little girl chimes in with this:
"Well, I can't wait until I am 21 so I can drink a beer!" (she is 2 1/2)

**Only out of the months of babes!

March 23, 2009

Please pray for...

Two requests:
1st for Scott's little cousin Gabriel. He has a tumor growing at the base of his brain. It is not cancerous, but at this point not operable, so they have started chemo. He is going to have to miss the rest of the kindergarten year and go in for weekly checks, but in the mean time...after his first round of chemo his fever spiked and he is back in the hospital.

2nd for a little guy I have never met, but with whom I have followed on his mom's blog. He is in the hospital at the moment as well, fighting for his 4 month life. His heart is not cooperating and they are not sure what is in store for him. You can see his story here:

March 22, 2009

Taco Bell

Just got home from Church with Madison, let's hope baby #2 does just as well as she does! I made yummy breakfast this morning: pancakes and eggs, but now I am craving Taco Bell! Madison and Daddy are outside gardening as I type, so I am enjoying some quiet alone time. When they are done, I think I may need to take her to the park...and then to Taco Bell! :)

March 21, 2009

My husband really loves me...

I have been having trouble sleeping lately, can't get comfortable, no position is working with my expanding belly. So when I get home today there is a package for me. It says "Boppy" on the side of it and I am wondering why I would be getting another Boppy, I have one from before. Then Scott tells me that he ordered it for me, so when I open it and see that it is the Boppy Body Pillow I am so excited. It is amazing. Although Madison tried to steal it, I was able to get a good night's sleep and he even let me sleep in, it was soooooo wonderful!

I love him right back!!

March 14, 2009

New baby photos

We went to a free baby event today in town and they were doing "face" ultrasounds for $5. All of the proceeds went to charity, although I never thought I wanted one, we decided to go for it. We made sure and told the gal we didn't want to know gender and she was great. But the little munchin was not cooperating. He/she was doing sommersaults! So when the gal put the machine on she told me to look away just in case, and she was glad she did the baby was "butt" up. So here is the little stinkers hind-end!
Here is a profile when the baby finally decided to hold still for 2 seconds.
And here is the 4-D shot she got, although it is really hard to see, there is an eye right in the center. The majority of the head is covered by a hand and the umbilical cord. But is was cool to see the movement and a glimpse of the face!

Here is my 5 month photo...can't believe it is 1/2 over!

March 11, 2009

IT's A....

We had our big ultrasound yesterday afternoon, my mom was able to be there with us. For Madison we were in San Diego, so no one was with us. It was fun having her there and yeah and Scott too. The tech wasn't too friendly at first, but did tell us everything we were seeing on the screen. We let him know that we didn't want to know the gender. But then I caught him say "her leg" and "his future belly button", so who knows. Then at one point he needed the baby to move and he said to think about chocolate or cookies, because the sugar would make the baby move and he said something about "Girl" scout cookies and Scott swears he was references gender...but at the end he did say he held the gender power and could tell from a mile away. So what does that mean?? We will have to wait 5 more months to find out!!

March 9, 2009




- Available: nope

- Age: 30

- Annoyance: not getting enough sleep

- Animal: wild dog "Mickey" classroom lizard "Sid"


- Beer: yuck

- Best Friend: Lisa

- Body Part on opposite sex: smile

- Best feeling in the world: contentment

- Best weather: summer

- Been on stage?: for dance programs

- Believe in Magic: not really

- Believe in Santa: YES!

- Blind or deaf: deaf I know sign language


- Candy: peanut m&m's

- Color: blue

- Chocolate or Vanilla: icecream vanilla with chocolate sauce

- Chinese or Mexican Food: Mexican-I hate Chinese food-except Chinese Chicken salad

- Cake or pie: cake white with chocolate icing (like my ice cream)

- Continent to visit: Australia

- Cheese: yum


-Day or Night: night for sleeping :)

-Dancing in the rain: not yet


- Eyes: Brown.

- Everyone's got: a secret

- Ever failed a class?: One nope


- First thoughts waking up: where is the snooze button

- Food: yuck right now, heart burn

-Full name: K.A.V.

- Flaws: worry a lot


- Greatest Fear: losing another chilk

- Goals: always making new ones

- Gum: helps stomach aches for me

- Get along with your parents? Very much

- Good Luck Charm: ?


- Hair Color:brown

- Height: 5'9"

- Happy: yes

- Holiday: Christmas

-How do you want to die: in my sleep when I am really old!


- Ice Cream: Gold Medal Ribbon (BR)

- Instrument: piano along time ago


- Jewelry: wedding ring, watch, and cross necklace

- Job: Teacher


- Kids: Madison and one on the way?

- Kickboxing or karate: Kickbox

- Keep a journal? blog


- Letter L for: love

- Laugh so hard you cried: yesterday with Madison giving my GrandPA a facial!


- Milk flavor: None, I hate Milk

- Movies: what movies are there besides Disney and cartoons?:

- Motion sickness: no

- McD’s or BK: Taco Bell


- Number: 13


- One wish: A healthy baby


- Pepsi or Coke: Diet Coke-right now Diet Caffine free coke

- Perfect Pizza: Napoli's or Pete's

- Piercing: 2 holes in right ear, 3 in left and my belly button (that closed)

Q- Quail: California bird

- Quiet?: sometimes


- Reason to cry: hormones

- Reality T.V.: DWTS, Idol-sometimes, Jon and Kate plus 8, 18 and counting

- Roll your tongue in a circle: yes, it is genetic

- Ring size: I think 6 1/2

- Radio station: The Wolf or My 92


- Song:??

- Shoe Size: 9

- Salad Dressing: Thousand and Ranch

- Sushi: only if all the parts are cooked-tempura

- Skinny dipped?: No

- Strawberries or blueberries?: strawberries

- Slept outside: camping in a tent, summer camp counselor for 2 years-really outside under the stars 8 weeks each summer

- Sing well: no

T- Tattoos?: none

- Time for bed: now


- Unpredictable: I don't think so


- Vacation spot(s): New York, Hawaii, Europe


- Weakness: chocolate

- Worst feeling: Frustration

- Wanted to be a model? Never

- Worst Weather?: cold

- Where do we go when we die? Heaven 

- X-Rays: have had a few

- Ex's: who cares

-Year it is now: 2009

-Yellow: bright and cheer-y

-Zzzzz's: I never get enough!

-Zoo animal:monkey 

The last person that you...
-Fell asleep next to: Scott
-Went to the mall with: ? believe it or not, I haven't been in awhile
-Went to dinner with: my family this weekend
-Talked to on the phone: Mom
-Made you laugh: Madison
-Hugged you: Madison
-Held your hand: Madison

March 5, 2009

A day at home....

Madison is feeling better, but woke up in the middle of the night complaining, so it was my turn today to stay home. Not that I mind it, I love it, but getting up at 5:30 to write subplans and then drive to school to get things ready for a sub is not too much fun. Let's hope she is on the mend and we are all back on track tomorrow!

March 3, 2009

Knock on ---oops~

I was just talking to someone at work the other day, saying how lucky we have been this winter, with no real colds. Madison had a touch of the flu over Christmas break, which Scott and I both got, but other than that, we have all been really healthy...that is until last night.

We had an early dinner and went to Ballet just like every other Monday but when we got home Madison, who was looking forward to "dessert" the banana bread we made earlier in the afternoon, wouldn't eat and then threw a huge fit. Well, she ended up going to bed alright, only to wake up to not feeling well throughout the night, she never could really tell us what hurt, but I gaver her some Tylenol and she slept most of the night, when she woke this morning she was like her normal self. I sent the medicine off to daycare, just in case, and got "the call" at 2:30. She has a FEVER! DANG!

I swear they know when things are already busy, Scott has a huge drill at the hospital this week (a fake bomb going off with bloody actors and all) and I have trimester 2 report cards and a huge district meeting tomorrow. Hopefully this is a quick one for her, but nonetheless she can't go back tomorrow until she is 24 hours fever keep your fingers crossed and hope we are all back to work/school/daycare by Thursday!