My 93 year old grandfather is in the hospital again. The man is like a cat, he has 9 lives, but he is not doing well. I am lucky to report that I have 3 living grandparents and I have enjoyed most of my life with healthy, happy grandparents. It is really hard though, to know that his time may be coming to an end. I love him very much and he has been a huge part of my life. Sending prayers to him and my grandma, the strong old fashion Italian lady that has done everything for him since 1942.
On a happier note, my mouth feels sooooooooooo much better. I had a crown done last week and it was killing me over the weekend. So, back in I went today, turns out the temp crown was too big. They shaved it down and it felt instantly better!! yah! I thought I was ready to pull it out myself...
Fingers crossed and prayers said for your grandfather.
So glad that your tooth is better. I dread the day I have to get a crown or anything like that.
LOL at Scott and the kitchen lights. Good Luck!!!
I am praying for Grampa Marshall too. Sending good thoughts and everything else. Here's hoping he's got a 10th life in there somewhere.
On a different brother is so weird. Is it too late to claim that he was adopted? Or better yet...maybe I was?? Yeah, let's just go with that.
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