January 21, 2008

A Day OFF!!!!!

I am so glad today is a day off...

The weekend was a little crazy. We left Friday night and headed down to Vallejo. When we got there, my dad said grampa was not well, not responding all day and not to go and see him. Well, Katie (my sister) and I have always been such good listeners and headed out to see him right away. When we got there he was sitting on the edge of the bed giving the nurse hell! That's my grampa, the cat, he must be on his 19th life, not just his 9th life!! I called my dad right away and he didn't believe me. So, the doctor came back to check him and made official calls to my gramma and dad. To thier surprise he was doing a little better. Saturday was his best day in a long time, really great spirits and good humor. But then Sunday was a rough day again...it really is hour by hour with him. I just feel so blessed that we had the chance to be there with him all weekend...

Here is grampa being "goofy" or should I say "mickey"!

But is wasn't only a sad weekend...it was ANTONIO'S 5th birthday party on Saturday. We ate too much, Scott drank too much and Maddie played way too much (she didn't even have a nap!)

All in all I am so glad we went, but I am thankful for the day off to recoup! Actually went to the gym for the first time in about 3 weeks! Yikes I needed it!

Ok, last crazy bit of news. You know how "they" say things happen in 3's...I have heard the good news of not 3, but 6 people I know that are pregnant and almost all the same due dates!! CRAZY! Here is the truly crazy part, only 1 of the six were actually trying...but I wish them all the best of luck for easy pregnancies, and healthy babies!
P.S. Did I mention there are still "extra" holes in my ceiling in the kitchen! I am going to kill my husband if he doesn't fix it soon!


Kelly said...

Cute picture of your grandpa. I'm guessing those are Maddie's sunglasses? Funny! Glad you are enjoying your day off. Jenna and I are too! Tell my brother to get his rear in gear and fix the ceiling!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kimberlie, thanks for your comment, I am so glad you didn't think I was just some weirdo.Let's see my mom just didn't like Y's and always knew she wanted a Kimberlie from the time she was a little girl. I drive everyone crazy in my family because (when appropriate)I use ie for EVERYTHING,like mommie or grammie, it's just natural I guess. My 7 year old has an ie also, her name is Mallorie. Well I better be off my little one is ready for his lunch...
I hope you enjoyed your day off!

KatieFeldmom said...

Please tell me where those 6 pregnant women are so that I don't drink the water they are drinking!!!

So glad that you got to spend some time with your grandpa.